Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Effect of Sugar on Fertility and Teeth

This is an interesting conversation between myself and a patient who is a dentist. 

Hi Patricia,

I'm doing some research on diet and fertility and coming up with some interesting findings
that have me really alarmed about what I eat!

I know sugar is evil, I know most Americans have an acidic pH (I used to test my patient's
saliva as part of their initial exam).

I never delved into what acidity does to the body other than enhance the rate at which oral
bacteria can dissolve tooth structure.

I found this excerpt from the website especially interesting, as it describes
me quite well:

"The individual tends to be touchy and irritable, to worry too much, and to sleep poorly, and may even become depressed. The noxious effect of acids on the nerves is easily explained: minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium that the nervous system needs to function properly are precisely the alkaline minerals the body takes away to neutralize acids. Individuals suffering from acidification often are sensitive to the cold, have low blood pressure, and are subject to episodes of low blood sugar. All the functions of the endocrine glands tend to slow down, except for those of the thyroid gland, which become hyperactive. The immune system is weakened as well, and recurring infections of the respiratory tract (colds, laryngitis, flu, bronchitis) or urinary tract (cystitis) appear with distressing frequency due to the combination of low immune response and the ease with which microbes can penetrate the body through tiny lesions in the mucous membranes of the respiratory and urinary tracts"

I'm wondering, on behalf of those struggling with fertility issues, what you can tell me about whether acidity directly affects fertility?
Best, Carolyn

PS: I seem to have more congestion since this new formula arrived. Lots of throat clearing and nose-blowing, even when there's no dairy in m diet!

Hi Carolyn,

Are you going to get your Ph levels checked? I know there are some people who think that the Ph levels are very important and that most people don't. I have never heard of a Reproductive Endocrinologist (fertility specialist) who checks for this.

We don't look at the body the same way in Traditional Chinese Medicine. All those symptoms you mentioned would be caused from a "Spleen Qi Deficiency" and a "Kidney Yin Deficiency".

The dietary recommendations are the same though.

How are your headaches?
How about the hot flashes?
Bowel movements?

Sometimes these herbs can cause too much moistening and some congestion. I will have to increase the herb that prevents this. They can cause the bowel movements to become too soft too.

You should be about ready for herbs. Are you?

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am to 7pm EST

Hi Patricia,

I use the test strips and my salivary pH is between 6.25 and 6.5

My headaches have been subsiding although my neck is still sore.

Pimples are still an issue, but definitely calming down.

Sleep is a little better, especially since I'm now completely off caffeine.

Bowl movements are regular (the more fiber the better!)

Hot flashes still going strong.

Soooo, when you say the dietary recommendations are the same, do you
mean that it would benefit me to cut out the sweets (I already started) and
eat less animal products?


Hi Carolyn,
Yes, you should cut out sweets (completely if possible) and absolutely no artificial sugar. Red meat is only okay to have if it is a very small amount and as long as you eat a lot of veggies (especially cooked cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower) with it. When you eat alkaline foods it pulls the pH to 0 (neutral).

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 9am to 7pm EST

What are the dangers of artificial sugar? I'm trying to learn more about
what happens with the sugar alcohols like sorbital, maltitol, erythritol,
and so on.

I was first alerted to the problems of artificial sweeteners especially aspartame, when my sister who is a nurse at the University of Michigan hospital started talking about all the teenagers who were coming in with brain tumors. The thing they had in common was the high amount of diet Mountain Dew they were drinking. It was happening so much that all the nurses were talking about it.

Google "artificial sweeteners + tumors" and you will see lots of information on this. There is also a link to cancer too. Since I had another sister who died of breast cancer at age 39 and then I had uterine cancer at age 43 my gynecology oncologist told me to stay away from it too. It was the only dietary recommendation she gave me.

Then I found out in a nutrition class that artificial sweeteners are the most acidic thing that we eat. It is way worse than sugar which is worse than meat.

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Hi Patricia,
Oy. Mountain Dew.

It's not just for breakfast anymore...

You should see what's happening to people's teeth!


Really? You are seeing changes in the teeth?


Are you kidding me?

The trend since fluoride and dental sealants were introduced was a dramatic
reduction in caries.

But, since the introduction of soft drinks in schools, super-size soft drinks for
small change at the local quickie mart, and with school age kids drinking coffee
deserts for breakfast at Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, that trend has been reversed.

1. The sugars feed the bacteria that produce the acids that dissolve the teeth.

2. The phosphoric acid in the carbonated drinks impairs the buffering ability of the saliva.

3. The metabolism of the sugars, as you know, creates acidic body fluids, which also impairs
the buffering ability of the saliva

So along with the bacterial acids, we also see "acid erosion" , which is a direct dissolving of the
enamel due to the acidic environment. Just google "acid erosion teeth" and look for images.

I looked at the images... GROSS!

I thought that the dental sealants had taken care of all this.

I had to laugh when I saw the fake whiten teeth mixed in with all the horrible decayed teeth.

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Sealants only protect the "pits and fissures" of the chewing surfaces of back teeth.

People still need to floss in order to clean in between.

And the rest of the enamel is still unprotected. (As you could see).

Sealants are a help, but only for a certain type of decay.

You did not say that I should order your herbs. Is that right?

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Right. Could anything in there be causing sinus congestion?

Hi Carolyn,
I have a lot of herbs in the formula to moisten. This might cause congestion. It doesn't usually but it could. I need to add herbs to the formula to clear this.

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.

Alrighty. I'll finish this formula first? Too costly to waste!

Definitely,  finish the formula that you have. 

Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.