Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Corresponding with a Patient

I think it might be a good idea to show you a correspondence between me and a patient. I am changing the name to keep her privacy. This is her third month taking Chinese herbal formula from me.
Receipt Statement for Angelina Jolie (hahaha... I am just joking about it being Angelina Jolie. I am not really working with her but everyone needs a laugh once in a while)

Date: 7/25/12 
Chinese Herbal Formula:  30 day supply $120
Includes shipping fee 
Total paid via paypal

Angelina, I have made big changes in your formula. Your period sounds very good. I took the herbs out of your formula that you can't take when you are pregnant that are used to clear the tubes. The only way to know if your tubes are open and clear is to go for another HSG test. 

I have added herbs to help with the headache and pain you felt with the last period.

You can try get pregnant now. You need to be following your cycle to know when you are ovulating. Ovulation usually happens midway between periods though women in their 40's sometimes ovulate earlier than this. I have a lot of women who ovulate as early as cycle day 9 (cycle day 1 is always the first day of the period). You can use an ovulation predictor kit (purchased at the drug store) starting on cycle day 9 to see if you can see your ovulation. The best time to use the kit (you will urinate on a strip of paper) is between 3-3:30 pm. You should do this once a day until you see that you are ovulating. You are probably ovulating on cycle day 13 but start checking earlier than this in case you are ovulating earlier. I don't want you to miss it. When you see that you are ovulating you should have intercourse that day (best day) and the next 3 days (4 days total).

When you are ovulating you should see that your vaginal discharge has turned clear and slimy. This is the fertile cervical mucus that helps the sperm swim towards the egg. Don't check when you are sexually aroused  as you wont be able to tell the difference between this mucus and normal sexual secretions. If you are ovulating but don't see this mucus you should get a vaginal lubricant called "Pre-Seed" which you will see in the drug store right by the ovulation predictor kits. This is the only vaginal lubricant that acts like the fertile mucus. All the others will kill the sperm or not allow it to swim properly. You only need to use this vaginal lubricant during ovulation. It doesn't really matter the rest of the month.  

The herbs should help with the fertile discharge but we don't want to wait around for the herbs to work. If you are ovulating and don't see enough good fertile mucus just use the Pre-Seed.

You will be receiving the herbal formula from Kamwo Chinese Herbal Pharmacy located in New York City. The formula will be sent out today. Since you are on Staten Island you will get the package very quickly.  If you have any problems with the delivery please contact me rather than the pharmacy and I will track down the problem.  

Your formula contains the following herbs:
shu di huang
shan zhu yu
fu ling
mu dan pi
ze xie
ye jiao teng
zhi my
chuan xiong
yu jin
sheng jiang
bai shao
chi shao
Dissolve 2 scoops in warm/hot water. Take 3 times a day with food.
Do not take the above formula during your period.
If you have any adverse reactions (problems) to the herbs, please stop taking them and contact me and I will decide how to proceed.  
Do not double up on herbs. If you miss a dose just skip it and wait to take the next regular dose. 
Please consult me before you take any medications or herbs along with the herbal formulas. If your doctor prescribes medication for you and you are not able to get a hold of me for any reason, stop taking the herbs and follow your doctor’s orders.

Stop taking the herbs 3 days before any planned surgery including a tooth or gum surgery. If you have an emergency surgery you would stop taking them as soon as possible.  Do not take them again without consulting me first.   
If you would like to look up the functions of the herbs in your formula you can look at the herb guide on the Chinese herbal pharmacy’s website . Keep in mind that this is Traditional Chinese Medicine and the workings of the body are not always the same as Western biomedical sciences. So you may not completely understand what they are talking about. In this particular formula how the herbs work together in more important than the function of each particular herb.  

Angelina, it will not hurt and may even help to continue using the castor oil packs but remember you can't do this if there is any chance that you are pregnant. Since you will not know if you are pregnant for 2 weeks after ovulation it would be better to stop when you ovulate. 

Castor Oil PacksPour castor oil onto a rag. Place this over your fallopian tubes. Put another rag over the top of this one. Then put a heating pad on medium/low over the top of this for 20 minutes a day. Massage the area afterwards for a few minutes. Never do this during your period or if there is a chance you could be pregnant. 
I will need to check on your progress before ordering your next formula. So, email me or give me a call in enough time (3-5 business days) before you are finished with this batch of herbs to allow for shipping time.
One important thing: I never "auto-ship" products to my patients. Likewise your credit card will never be charged unless you specifically place an order. 

Feel free to contact me via phone or emails anytime while under my care. I do not generally answer the phone on the weekends but I check my emails often on the weekend and if you need to talk to me I will call you if you ask me to in an email.
Best Regards,
Chinese Fertility Herbalist
Patricia Karnowski M.S.O.M.
910- 420-2194
office hours: Monday to Friday 9am- 7pm EST