Today, I got an email that said,” This is Miranda's Mom sending you pictures of her and her beautiful baby girl. The baby was born on October 26th at 9:26 a.m. by c-section. The baby turned breech about 3 weeks before the due date. She was 6 lbs. 9 oz. and 19" long. They are both doing wonderful. Miranda and I both believe that it was due to your herbs that she was able to get pregnant”.
Mariana really is beautiful. She has a full head of dark hair and in one photo she seems to be pointing her finger. I want to post the picture so you can see her but I don’t think that would be the right thing to do. Her mother will decide who should see her baby and keep her privacy from prying eyes.
I am just so excited that I might have had a part in the birth of this beautiful baby that I want to share my joy with someone who would understand what a big deal this. Miranda was having such a hard time trying to get pregnant before she found my website.
When she told me her story and I asked her a million questions to try to understand what her body was doing, I was pretty sure that the Chinese herbs would help her even though nothing did before. I have to say that sometimes it seems so obvious what the problem is after talking to these women, even though medical tests don’t reveal it.
In the west we are so convinced that the medical tests will tell the objective truth. Over and over I have seen that the body reveals the truth and when I talk to the women long enough and compare what her body is doing against the backdrop of what her body should be doing it becomes so darn clear.
Luckily, there are thousands of herbs to combine in just the right way to fit each and every woman and if we combine these with destiny a beautiful baby has a chance to come into the world. Perhaps, the real key to helping these women get pregnant is just to listen… really closely.